Please find below link to Notice of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of The Drumsheugh Baths Club. Limited to be held on Wednesday 29 November in the Club at 6pm, together with related papers.
The Board intends to hold a members’ meeting in early 2024, to update members on the significant works to the exterior of the building which are planned for next year, and the other internal works which are planned for 2025. This year, we have increased communication with members by means of the monthly Newsletter. It is therefore not intended that there be a lengthy question and answer session after the AGM, but if members have particular questions that they would like the Board to address after the formal business of the AGM, then it would be helpful if notice of these could be given in advance by emailing me at [email protected].
Paul Dunlop
Communication from Carol Keith, Chair
Communication from John Jackson, Finance Director